• I provide energetic mentorship to creatives, entrepreneurs, and leaders who know that who they are being and how they perceive life is reflected back to them in their reality. Together we will get to know YOUR energy and open you up to new experiences and transform your reality. You already know you create your reality, let’s expand into a life that is free and expansive without sacrificing who you are. Disclaimer: This is not therapy or trauma-informed healing work.

    JOIN 1:1

  • Current available group workshops can be found here.

Reality is five-dimensional sculpture, my job is to support you in becoming a master sculptor. Let’s sculpt your reality into one that feels like a dream.

Here’s what’s going to impact your results with this type of work:

  1. The amount of responsibility you take or are willing to take for your reality.

  2. The consistency at which you truly appreciate what already is.

  3. The level of acceptance you are willing to have for yourself and your reality.

  4. The amount of value you attach to struggle.

Some Love From 1:1 Clients

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and gift. It was such a fun, amazing experience. I'm floating in all of the incredibly accurate, thoughtful information and feel like I gained an immeasurable amount of personal insights. You were able to bring out, illuminate and articulate aspects of my self that I've never been able to define.

What a gift to be able to see these parts of my self with more clarity, to recognize that they are part of my design, and to have a new perspective and understanding of my own nature and being. I sincerely can't thank you enough.

  • Denise M

Working with you has been incredible. You ask the best questions that get to the heart of what's blocking me and you really get me. In the past month l've made so many new connections that have made me feel a nourishing sense of community and belonging (and fun!), l've felt so much more confidence authentically expressing myself, I was invited to spend a month in Brazil with people who I adore (booked for this summer!), and l've gained new clients and speaking opportunities for my business. And all of this flowed to me with ease. I really love that I'm unfolding into my highest self and am excited about what more I can create.

  • Erinne

felt like you read "my book" ( me as a book). I did not expect to feel so affirmed.

It is a frequency that I am so glad, so relieved, so curious about. As a lot of synchronization would smash together here for me in your reading.

Your interface reminded me a lot of my most favorite parts of experimenting with psychedelics. And the moments you're in the room of your mind and see a door that wasn't there before or was it?). It was a fun, gentle, and loving experience I can't wait to do again after I integrate what I needed from this one at some point. Big sigh* | got a lot of relief out of it too.

  • Nikki

Pea and their work blew into my life like a cooling breeze to the hot heat of my internal self-pressure, and the answer to an intention I had to find other people who spoke my language. Prior to that it was like walking around in a foreign country and trying to speak the language but never truly feeling like anyone can hear you, until you happen upon someone else who speaks your native tongue and suddenly you remember you’re fluent, just not in the ’norms’ of this place and time, and feel instantly free and understood. That is how their work felt to me, like home.

Pea’s work is genius in its stunning directness, it is uncomplicated by defenses or justifications because they are honest with themselves about who they are and has no need to prove anything or run. You can feel it in their field and it is utterly magnetic. Especially to the part of me who is the same and has been dying to get out. A free bird letting me know I can be too, simply by being themself. Since working with Pea, several major manifestations I had in the works for years popped right up in reality, including crossing the multiple six figure mark in my business and retiring my husband from dangerous work (after retiring mySELF from the parts of my own work I didn’t absolutely love). I had already let go of the hard "outer work" a long time ago but had subconsciously replaced it with the hard "inner work", and Pea’s work reminded me it didn’t have to be hard there either—just honest. I was good at honesty with myself but I put so much weight and heaviness on it, and they made it feel light and easily digestible. But the thing that I am MOST cherishing about my work with Pea is the emergence of my more natural self in my work, and doing things that feel more fun, more free, and more ME, which has made me so much happier and at peace with myself and that is the biggest treasure of all. 🥹 ❤️ 💗 💕

  • Sunni C